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Eligibility: Class  1 

Participation: Individual

Theme: Technology for Future



  • Participants will send a 2 minute video on the given theme.

  • Shortlisted candidates will appear for the final round that will be held online.

  • Props can be used to enhance the presentation.

  • Participants will display the utility of the gadget through gestures along with explanation.

  • Criteria for judgment will be based on relevance to the theme, overall presentation, usage of props, costume, clarity and confidence of the presenter and innovative ideas.


Student Coordinator: Devarsh Bhatia (8851041281), Mishika Kumar, Jahnvi Toshiwal, Shreshth

Teacher Coordinator: Ms Ekta Dixit (9910666224)

*Important: A student can take part in only 1 Event 
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