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Important Instructions

Certificate Issuance: 5th December, 2023


  • For registration, please refer to the school website or you may do the same via brochure.

   Link for Registration:

  • The last date of registration for the event is 27th October 2023 by 5:00 pm. Google form for registration will be activated on 27th October 2023 by 9 am.

  • All the details in the registration form must be carefully written as the same details will be picked for certificate issuance.

  • An intimation of successful registration will be mailed to the registered participants.


  • The last date of submission of the outputs will be 6th November 2023 by 5:00 pm The output must be renamed using below format only with full permissions: 

           Student name-Event name-School name

  • An output submission link will be provided to the teacher coordinator via email to the registered participants. The outputs must be submitted by the teacher coordinator only.

  • In a team participation, students can be of the same class or of different classes.

  • Since all the events are happening simultaneously, participants must be enrolled in only one event. One entry per school per category will be accepted.

  • The teacher coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the output is sent as per guidelines of the event.

  • Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism must be taken care of.

  • The host school will not be responsible for any technical issues on participant’s end.

  • For further queries you can contact the event coordinators between 6:00 pm-7:00 pm.

  • The judgment of the jury will be the final binding.

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